Saturday, April 10, 2010

Where Do Baby Nuclular Reactors Come From?

Asking Sarah Palin about national nuclear policy is like asking daughter Bristol "Where do babies come from?" And, asking President Obama what he thinks about Palin's response to his nuclear policy is just giving her undeserved relevance. She may hold "cred" with Republicans but she's no longer a political figure. Maybe daughter Bristol can make it full-term but Palin terminated mid-term while gestating the great state of Alaska. I think the people showed their single digit approval of Palin in the last election. I know I puckered, slid it between my lips and pictured finger tapping that ass. I haven't had so much fun since my Olympic fantasy that included a water sport with W. Who wants a VP who's qualifications are diaper changing? Might be "Depend" able backup for McCain but doesn't' instill confidence to the rest of the nation. Her opinion on national policy isn't any more relevant than a third-grader's opinion about the war in Iraq. The third-grader probably has better grasp of adjectives. Book tours and reality tv deals make her no more than follows-the-lead TMZ material. I'm seeing an episode of Desperate Housewife in her future,

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