Tuesday, December 29, 2009


It's time to start passenger profiling! Put all fundaMENTALists on the no-fly list. The answer is obvious. We know who and we know where. Let's see.... a "man", with no luggage, buys a one-way ticket with a goat. The only airline he should have been able to get a seat on should have been Air Yemen. I hear they have cabin fireworks instead of an inflight movie. Rather, on ALL international flights, the TSA bans inflight movies, shuts off all power to seats, no overhead reading lights. You can't piss in the toilet or have anything in your hands for the last hour of the flight. As Churchill said. You can count on Americans to do the right thing after they've exhausted every other possibility. And just so you know.... there is no religious reason or significance for Islamic women to cover their heads. It has nothing to do with a respect or allegiance to God. It isn't in the Koran. The "only" reason Muslim women have to be covered is because Muslim men can't show sexual self-restraint! If you live in a free society, the wind should be blowing through your hair! Burkas and head scarves are the ultimate symbol of female possession, supression and repression. Even some Muslim countries forbid them from being worn on college campus'.

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